Helen Bailey: Woodturning

Helen Bailey

Helen Bailey is a woodturner from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of England. Helen states that woodturning was not a hobby that she ever thought about trying. It was  when visiting her local club with her dad Neville that the seed was sown, Neville invited Helen along to watch a demonstration on turning pens and the rest, as they say, is history. Enthralled by what was demonstrated, Helen had purchased her first lathe within days of watching the demonstration.

Although only turning for a limited time Helen’s work has received many accolades already in her short career. A regular  contributor to the world of woodturners website (https://www.thewows.com/), Helen has had the majority of her entries featured as the cover of the day.

Helen Bailey: Woodturning

One of Helens first pierced pieces was selected with other prestigious work for a touring exhibit of the UK. The American association of woodturners has also featured Helens work in its magazine. Helen believes the quality seen in her work is down to meticulous planning, from the first design which she sketches out to the symmetry of the shapes.

Most of Helens pierced work is made from part seasoned wood, as this in her opinion suits the projects she strives to create. Turning the bowls to a consistent and exact wall thickness, gives Helen the perfect canvas to create her masterful work.

Helens career has  catapulted her into the lime light in a very short time,  worldwide attention has been drawn to her amazing creations. Helens work is sought after by individuals and collectors all over the world. 

Helen's essential workshop accessory!!!